What is FleetManager
Fleet Manager is designed for fishing companies as the companion program for CatchLog’s vessel electronic log book and vessel management system.
From the company office computer or from anywhere on your laptop or tablet, Fleet Manager lets you monitor every aspect of all the vessels in your fleet: where they are; whether they are working or not; what species, grades, quantities and packaging types they are catching and processing; when they should unload; what fuel and other supplies they are using; what crew changes are required and much more...
Landing declaration completed from the office
Secure encrypted data synchronisation between vessel and company office
Food safety management and reporting
Current locations of vessels on geographic chart
See if vessels are up to date with logbooks
Catch details (Gear, Hauls, Positions, Time etc...)
Allows critical decisions to be made on actual data
Production details (Species, Units, Kg, Presentation, Conservation, Packing Type and Grades)
Messaging between office and vessels
Manage product prices
Compare performance between vessels
Compare historical data across seasons/years including moon phases
Crew information
Keep record of engine hours and fuel on board
Create printable PDF reports
Many different charts, like progressive catch totals between vessels
Profit/loss margin for fleet, daily catch totals
Monthly catch totals, species catch summary
Grade catch summary for selected species
Rest assured that when you need help - we are here! Our excellent support team is available 7 days a week to make sure all of our customers are happy. We also provide training and resources with every installation of CatchLog.
Support and training is provided remotely and is included in the cost of the product.